CEO Message

본문 바로가기

    Since its establishment in 1972, STM Corp has been rigorously
    working to improve the manufacturing technology of rubber
    products. Now we proudly stand as a leading producer of
    rotary magnetic encoders and various seals.

    We have conducted proactive and preventive quality management
    programs. We have also made aggressive investments both on our
    R&D capabilities and the state–of-art production equipment.
    Now on the back of the trust we have earned from our customers,
    we are opening a new chapter in the global market.
    Developing high performance materials in extremely hostile
    environments, producing higher resolution encoders for
    autonomous vehicle age and creating fine-control components for
    various electric motors, we are not merely meeting the needs of
    our customers for today but aiming to go beyond them for tomorrow.

    As always, you can expect more from us tomorrow than you can today. Thank you.

    Junwoo Kim
    President & CEO, STM Corp
    • Head Office
      1131, 62, Seongseogongdan-ro 11-gil, Dalseo-gu, Daegu, Republic of Korea
      Zip code. 42713 | Phone number. 82-53-535-9766 | Fax number. 82-53-535-9767
    • GunWi Factory 1
      185, Gunwigongdan-gil, Suseo-ri, Gunwi-eup, Gunwi-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Republic of Korea
      Zip code. 39023 | Phone number. 82-54-383-9766 | Fax number. 82-54-383-9768 | Mobile number. 82-10-8143-4022
    • GunWi Factory 2
      159, Gunwigongdan-gil, Suseo-ri, Gunwi-eup, Gunwi-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Republic of Korea
      Zip code. 39023 | Phone number. 82-54-383-9766 | Fax number. 82-54-383-9768 | Mobile number. 82-10-8143-4022
  • ⓒ 2018 STM Corp. All Rights Reserved.